Stock Market Analysis Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Trading Indicator Importance

Used 5 years worth of training data to run a machine learning algorithm that would help decide which indicators are most important.

Using XGBoost Regressor

After deciding what features to use, I used XGBoost Regressor to train the model and predict what the daily closing price of the S&P 500 would be.

LSTM Neural Network

To compare results, I trained a long short term memory neural network to predict the daily close of the S&P 500 based off of the previous days open, high, low and close.


The goal for this project was to learn more about what indicators play a significant role in predicting the closing price of the S&P500 and to be able to forecast future potential opening prices using Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks.

Experienced Gained

Food Safety in Sub-Saharan Africa​

MCBAC 2023

Analyzed food security in Sub-Saharan Africa for 2023 Manhattan College of Business Analytics Competition.

Optimal Cold Storage Units

Performed a K-Means clustering algorithm to find the optimal space between countries in Africa.

Competition Presentations

Spent three days at Manhattan College of Business competing against other top schools.


I was selected along four others to participate on a data analytics competition team in the 2023 spring semester. Our task was to analyze hundreds of thousands of rows of data to propose a solution to food safety and security in Sub Sahara Africa.

Experienced Gained

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