SkateSkins Website Remodel

HTML & CSS designed website

Improved HTML and CSS skills by redesigning SkateSkins current website..

JavaScript Functions

Added multiple JavaScript and Bootstrap functions to provide users with a interactive experience on the website.

Mobile Device Landing Page

Created an engaging, fully responsive website that is accessible on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.


I was hired to do free lance work for a hockey apparel startup in Buffalo, NY. Although this is not the final product, this project allowed me to strengthen my HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap skills while also creating a foundation for my later work.

Experienced Gained

Feedback Form Using PHP and MySQL

PHP and MySQL database

Used to structure, receive and display data that is inputted through a website.

Responsive Feedback Form

Allowed users to input comments on the website to give feedback to the company.

Real Time Feedback Responses

Displayed real time results from the feedback form on a different page of the website.


The goal of this mini project was to be able to store data that was inputted through a website into a database. Once the data was stored, it would automatically update on the server and be displayed on a different page of the website.

Experienced Gained

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